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Ether and
Magnetic field

Galileo and
are wrong


Ether and

Proof  for
the advance
of Mercury's



Theory I

Theory II

Theory III

Theory IV

Theory V


of degree

Video 01

Video 02



Experiment 21


Experiment 22


The mistakes
of Einstein




The “ZEUS”




Find out why the Theory of Relativity is beyond any doubt False


The physics experiment which is elaborated below (a very simple, easy to carry out and low-cost experiment) proves conclusively that the Theory of Relativity is false!!!


1. On the basis of Classical Physics

Lets assume (Fig. 1) that S and are two identical automobiles.
In automobile S sits an observer Ð and in automobile S΄ sits another observer Ð΄.

   In addition, inside automobile S there is a solidly fixed metallic sphere S1 carrying an electric charge +Q and inside automobile there is equally another solidly fixed metallic sphere S2 carrying also an electrical charge +Q.

NOTE! Throughout the performance of the experiment, automobile S remains at all times immobile relative to the surface of the earth (õ = 0).
   Lets assume now that automobile moves linearly towards automobile S at a stable velocity õ (e.g. õ = 160 km/h) relative to the surface of the earth.
   Therefore, when automobile passes by automobile S, then observer Ð will observe a magnetic field Â
1 inside his automobile S.   
   For, according to Classical Physics, while sphere S
2 moves linearly at a velocity õ relative to observer Ð, a magnetic filed Â1 is formed around the straight line of that sphere¢s (S2) movement.
   With the use of a magnetic needle, observer Ð can easily observe this magnetic field Â
1 inside his automobile S.
On the contrary, observer Ð' who is in motion will NOT observe ANY magnetic field inside his automobile S'.

2. On the basis of the Theory of Relativity

   Lets examine now what the Theory of Relativity maintains with respect to this experiment.
  According to the Theory of Relativity and since the latter holds that there are no privileged frames of reference, that is, the two observers Ð and Ð΄ are “on equal footing”, the following will apply during the conduct of this experiment:

    a) Relative to observer Ð: Automobile moves towards him at a velocity õ, Fig. 1(a) or similarly,
    b) Relative to observer Ð΄: Automobile S moves towards him again at the same velocity õ Fig. 1(b).

   However, what does this signify according to the Theory of Relativity?

   It simply signifies the following:
   During the conduct of the experiment and when automobile passes by automobile S, observer Ð should notice a magnetic field Â
1 inside his automobile S.
   This magnetic field Â
1 is attributed to the linear movement of the electrically charged sphere S2 which is found inside automobile and moves at a velocity õ relative to observer Ð.

   Similarly, observer Ð΄ himself should notice a magnetic field Â
2 inside his automobile S΄.
   This magnetic field Â
2 is attributed to the linear movement of the electrically charged sphere Swhich is found inside automobile S and moves at a velocity õ relative to observer Ð΄.
   Because, according to the Theory of Relativity, the two cases described above, i.e. the case of Fig. 1(a) and the case of Fig. 1(b) constitute  NATURALLY IDENTICAL SITUATIONS.
   In other words, the Theory of Relativity holds that during the performance of the experiment, when the two automobiles S and S΄ are found one next to the other (i.e. cross each other), both observers Ð and Ð΄ should be able to observe inside their automobiles S and S΄  “the same thing”, that is, they should observe magnetic field Â
1 and magnetic field Â2 respectively, as described above, where Â1 = Â2, their magnetic inductions, since the electric charge of sphere S1 is equal to the electric charge of sphere S2, i.e. +Q.
   The question, therefore, that is being raised is the following:
   Will everything detailed above occur as the Theory of Relativity maintains?
   The answer to this question is NO.
   The reason for that is the following:
   During the conduct of the experiment, ONLY observer Ð will be able to observe inside his automobile S a magnetic field Â
   On the contrary, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will observer Ð΄ notice inside his automobile a magnetic field Â
   Consequently, after everything referred to above, we draw the following basic conclusion.


   During the performance of experiment ×Ô, Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 1(b) described above, it is very easily demonstrated that the Theory of Relativity is BEYOND ANY DOUBT FALSE.

   Experiment ×Ô, due to its simplicity and very low cost, can be easily conducted on a broad scale by Universities, Physics Institutes, etc, as well as by university and even high school students!!!

  Therefore, we come to the conclusion that there is no need to resort to complicated and costly Physics experiments, such as the Gravity Probe b Experiment, etc, in order to prove whether the Theory of Relativity is true or false.  

  All these practices used in modern physics research are unnecessary and “absurd”, considering that there are more simple and less costly experiments, such as Experiment XT, Experiment GL, etc, aimed at proving the accuracy or inaccuracy of the Theory of Relativity.

  Consequently, as it can be easily understood, Experiment XT is of vital scientific importance. Furthermore, it would be hardly an exaggeration to stress that this experiment may be viewed as the starting point, as well as the basis, for a New Physics, one that would not necessitate the existence of the Theory of Relativity.

   In conclusion, what do all the above signify?
   Simply that Experiment XT can be explained ONLY if the following are accepted:

    a) SPACE and TIME are absolute
    b) ETHER exists in nature according to the New Etheric Model and the “New Ether Theory”, such as the latter are elaborated on www.tsolkas.gr, as well as in the pertinent literature (studies elaborated by the author himself) which is cited at the end of the above website.

   P.S.: In experiment XT, capital letters X and T stand for the Greek initials of the author (Christos Tsolkas).

Christos A. Tsolkas
November 25, 2005

Copyright 2005: Christos A. Tsolkas.

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