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Ether and
Magnetic field

Galileo and
are wrong


Ether and

Proof  for
the advance
of Mercury's



Theory I

Theory II

Theory III

Theory IV

Theory V


of degree

Video 01

Video 02



Experiment 21


Experiment 22


The mistakes
of Einstein




The “ZEUS”





It is a well known fact that the Special Theory of Relativity is founded on two postulates: 
Postulate É: All inertial reference frames are equivalent for all natural laws.
Postulate ÉÉ: The speed of light c in vacuum is always constant for all observers.

The question, however, that emerges now is:
Is Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity, as mentioned above, true or false?
The answer to that question is negative.
No, Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity is completely false and not valid in nature. The proof that Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity is false is provided by the following experiment.


Let¢s assume, fig. 1(a), that we have two inertial reference frames, S and S¢, which are located at a distance r from one another.

fig. 1

In the reference frame S, there is an electrical charge +Q, a magnetic needle M and observer (O). Similarly, in the reference frame S¢ there is an electrical charge +Q, a magnetic needle M¢ and observer (O¢).

Following the above, we will perform our experiment as follows:
Phase É: Let¢s assume, fig. 1(a), that the two inertial reference frames S and S¢ are motionless in relation to the Earth, (V = 0). Subsequently, the relative velocity between the two reference frames S and S¢ is zero.
During this phase, the observer (O¢) of the reference frame S¢ does not observe any magnetic field originating from the electric charge +Q of the reference frame S. Subsequently, the magnetic needle M¢ will remain motionless as to the observer (O¢).
Similarly, during this phase, the observer (O) of the reference frames S does not observe any magnetic field originating from the electric charge +Q of the reference frame S¢.
Subsequently, the magnetic needle M will remain motionless as to the observer (O).

Phase ÉÉ: We now move, fig. 1(b), the two reference frames S and S¢ parallel, in the same direction and at the same constant velocity V, in relation to the surface of the Earth,(V≠0) .
Subsequently, the relative velocity between the two reference frames S and S¢ is once again zero.
During this phase, the magnetic needle M¢ of the reference frame S¢ will move in relation to observer (O¢), due to the magnetic field created by the electric charge +Q of the reference frame S.
Similarly, the magnetic needle M of the reference frame S will move in relation to observer (O), due to the magnetic field created by the electric charge +Q of the reference frame S¢.

After discussing the above, we now make the following observations:

    1) During phase I, fig. 1(a), the Laplace force FL exerted between the two electric charges +Q of the reference frames S and S¢ is FL=0 and subsequently those two electric charges +Q are not attracted to one another by the Laplace force.
    2) Conversely, during phase II, fig. 1(b), the Laplace force FL exerted between the two electric charges +Q of the reference frames S and S¢ is FL≠0 and subsequently those two electric charges +Q are attracted to one another by the Laplace force.


A reasonable question that emerges now is this:
How is it that, while during phase I, fig. 1(a), and phase II, fig. 1(b), the relative velocity between the inertial reference frames S and S¢ is ZERO, in phase I, fig. 1(a) the two electric charges +Q are not attracted to one another by the Laplace force, while, conversely, in phase II, fig. 1(b), the two electric charges +Q are attracted to one another by the Laplace force?
What is happening, and what is the cause of this phenomenon?
The answer to the above question is this:

    1) Classical Physics (as is well known) has failed to explain this phenomenon.
    2) In addition, Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity is completely false.
    The proof that the Special Theory of Relativity is completely false is as follows:


In order for Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity to apply, since the relative velocity between the two inertial reference frames S and S¢ is ZERO both in phase I, fig. 1(a) and in phase II, fig. 1(b), the following must be true:

    a) The magnetic needles M and M¢ must yield exactly the same result for both observers (O) and (O¢), both in phase I, fig. 1(a), and phase II, fig. 1(b).
    b) Similarly, the Laplace force exerted between the two electric charges +Q of the reference frames S and S¢, must yield exactly the same result for both observers (O) and (O¢), both in phase I, fig. 1(a), and phase II, fig. 1(b).

Unfortunately, however, with regards to the Laplace force FL experiments showed that:

    1) When two electric charges, e.g., positive ones, are motionless in relation to the surface of the Earth, they are never attracted to one another by the Laplace force FL, (FL = 0) phase I, fig. 1(a).
    2) Conversely, however, when these two positive electric charges are moving parallel in the same direction and at the sae constant velocity V, in relation to the Earth, then these two electric charges are always attracted to one another by the Laplace force FL,  FL≠0 phase II, fig. 1(b).
    Subsequently, based on the theoretic part of the experiment of the two electric charges we developed above, and in accordance with the results of experiments known to us to this day, Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity is false and, in consequence, does not apply in Nature.


Experiments that verify the experiment of the two electric charges phase I, fig. 1(a), and phase II, fig. 1(b), and subsequently prove that Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity is completely false, exist in many different cases in Physics, such as:

    a) In the pinch effect of plasma physics, in nuclear fusion machines, where the ions of plasma are attracted to one another by the Laplace force.
    b)   In two, e.g. electrons, when they move parallel and in the same direction, with the same constant velocity V in relation to the Earth, then those two electrons are attracted to one another by the Laplace force FL, (FL≠0).

Conversely, now, when the two electrons are motionless in relation to the Earth, then these cannot be attracted to one another by the Laplace force FL, (FL=0).

Finally, there are numerous other examples from Physics we could cite.

After what we discussed above, we are led to the following basic conclusion.


According to the experiment of the two electric charges +Q, which we described in phase I, fig. 1(a), and phase II, fig. 1(b), it emerges that:

    a) Classical Physics, as is well known, has failed to explain the results of the experiment of the two electric charges +Q, which we developed above.
    b) Based on the experiment of the two electric charges +Q, which we developed above, Postulate I of the Special Theory of Relativity is proven, both theoretically and experimentally, to be completely false and not valid in nature.


The experiment of the two electric charges in itself (and without conducting any other Physics experiment) proves FINALLY and IRREVOCABLY and by a METHOD THAT CANNOT BE DOUBTED that the Special Theory of Relativity is FALSE and that, by extension, the General Theory of Relativity is also FALSE.
Subsequently, the Theory of Relativity in its entirety (Special and General) is proven, solely by conducting the experiment of the two electric charges, to be a COMPLETELY FALSE Theory of Physics!!!

The results of the experiment of the two electric charges +Q, which we developed above, phase I, fig. 1(a), and phase II, fig. 1(b), can only be fully understood when we accept the existence of Ether in nature, in accordance with the new Ether Model of Electrogravitational Theory, and on the basis of the fundamental “Law of the creation of the magnetic field from an electric charge”, as those are described in the link entitled “Ether and magnetic field”, and in video 02 (Part I, THE ETHER), on the site www.tsolkas.gr.

Copyright 2009: Christos A. Tsolkas                                                                      July 14, 2009

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