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Ether and
Magnetic field

Galileo and
are wrong


Ether and

Proof  for
the advance
of Mercury's



Theory I

Theory II

Theory III

Theory IV

Theory V


of degree

Video 01

Video 02



Experiment 21


Experiment 22


The mistakes
of Einstein




The “ZEUS”





PHYSICS: 400 years of fallacy from Galileo to this day! 

Christos A. Tsolkas


The Electrogravitational Theory (EGT) is fully elaborated on www.tsolkas.gr and the 5 related links I, II, III, IV, V (in yellow).
The Electrogravitational Theory (EGT) is a new theory of Physics whose conclusions have a tremendous impact on Classical and Modern Physics.
This paper is a RECAPITULATION of the EGT and its consequences on Classical and Contemporary Physics aiming to provide readers with an overview  of:

  1. the EGT itself, and
  2. its impact on Classical and Contemporary Physics.

As will be observed below, many interesting conclusion are drawn from this paper, of which the principal one is the following: 
Based on the conclusions of the Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), Classical and Contemporary Physics as a whole must be revised, for, as known to us today, they misrepresent the physical reality.


Let us briefly see the consequences of the EGT on Classical and Contemporary Physics.
According to the EGT, the following are physically valid:

1. The fundamental units of matter

According to the EGT, there are only three fundamental, indivisible and unalterable units of matter, namely:

  1. The positive electrin +qo
  2. The negative electrin -qo and
  3. The graviton mo (which is electrically neutral).

The positive electrin +qo is the quantum of positive electricity, the negative electrin -qo is the quantum of negative electricity and the graviton mo is the quantum of gravity.
Moreover, the electric charge of the positive or negative electrin, equals (in absolute terms) the electric charge of the electron, that is:

Finally, the entire universe (from the tiniest elementary particle to the largest celestial body) consists exclusively of the above three fundamental matters of unit (a), (b), (c).

For more information, see the link “The Electrogravitational Theory” Part É.

2. Ether

The entire universe is filled with Ether.
Ether consists of positive electrins +qo and negative electrins -qo. It is the means of propagation of light and apparently of all electromagnetic waves.
Ether is the light and light is Ether.
Ether¢s positive and negative electrins, +qo and -qo, are attracted by various celestial bodies by electrogravitational forces and thus each celestial body is surrounded by its Etherosphere.
The Ether that exists in the universe is nothing more but the “dark matter” as it is commonly termed today.
Finally, the so-called “dark energy” or vacuum energy is simply the energy of Ether¢s positive and negative electrins, +qo and -qo.

A notable observation

Under the Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), given that positive electricity is attributed to positive electrins +qo and negative electricity is attributed to negative electricity -qo, (as mentioned above), the following apply:

  1. Electricity (positive or negative) exhibits properties of attraction and inertia.
    Simply put, electricity (positive or negative) has weight and inertia!
  2. Because Ether consists of positive and negative electrins +qo and -qo (i.e. in essence, it is electricity), it exhibits properties of attraction and inertia, that is it has weight and inertia!

This is the main difference between Ether in Classical Physics and Ether in the Electrogravitational Theory (EGT).
As it can be observed, conclusions (1) and (2) formulated above are very important for the study of the natural world.

For more information, see the link “The Electrogravitational Theory” Part É.

3. Galileo is wrong!

  1. On the basis of the Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), it is proven that:
    Two bodies with equal masses m1 and m2 (m1=m2), and of different material composition e.g. m1= 1 kg of steel and m2= 1 kg of aluminum, when left to fall freely from a height h in the gravitational field of a mass Ì, e.g. the Earth, shall fall at different speeds.
    Consequently, the results of Galileo¢s experiment (Tower of Pisa Experiment) should be considered as wrong.

    For more information, see the link “The Electrogravitational Theory” Part É.
  2. Furthermore, according to Classical Physics, two unequal masses m1 and m2, (m1≠m2) fall at different speeds in the gravitational field of a mass Ì. Therefore, Galileo erred in this case also!

    For more information, see the link “The Electrogravitational Theory” Part É.

4. Newton is wrong!

According to the Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), Newton¢s three fundamental laws, i.e.:

    1. The law of universal gravitation
    2. The fundamental law of Mechanics, and
    3. The law of action – reaction

are false (they have an approximative character).
For this reason they should be reformulated in order to accurately represent the natural reality.

  1. Thus, the universal gravitational constant G in the law of universal gravitation is not a constant of nature for all material bodies without exception, as Newton erroneously maintains.
    Conversely, according to the EGT, the universal gravitational constant G in the law of universal gravitation is a factor GF, which depends on the material composition of bodies that are attracted to each other.
  2. Moreover, Newton¢s fundamental law of Mechanics is not a postulate, but it emanates from the postulate of Electrogravitational Mechanics where inertial force F does not depend on the material composition of a body (on which inertial force F acts).  

For more information, see the link “The Electrogravitational Theory” Part É.

5. Einstein is wrong!

According to the Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), the Theory of Relativity (Special and General) is an utterly false theory of physics for the following reasons:


1. Experiment - 16

Based on the results of Experiment 16, it is demonstrated beyond any doubt that Einstein¢s Special Theory of Relativity is utterly wrong because there is no validity to the 2nd postulate which states that “physical laws are the same in all inertial frames of reference.


At this point, it should be stressed that Classical Physics and the Special Theory of Relativity fail to explain the results of Experiment - 16.
These results can be interpreted only if we accept the existence of Ether as described by the EGT.

For more information, see the following links: “Experiment – 16”, video 01 (in Greek), “Ether and magnetic fields”, and “Experiment-19”, Fig.2.

2. Experiment 21

Based on the results of experiment – 21 (which was performed several times and with great precision by the author) it is proven that the Special Theory of Relativity is false because the 2nd postulate referred to above is obviously not valid.

For more information, see the link “Experiment – 21”.


Experiments 16 and 21 can be performed easily and at a low cost by university or even high school students; in this way it will be definitely established that the Special Theory of Relativity is an utterly false theory of Physics. 

Conclusion É

On the basis of: a) the results of experiment – 16, and b) the results of experiment – 21, it is demonstrated that the 2nd postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity is not physically valid.
Therefore, there is no doubt as to the falsity of the Special Theory of Relativity.


Under the EGT, since every celestial body (apparently the Earth included) is surrounded by its Etherosphere, then the following can be accepted:
The Michelson – Morley, Trouton – Noble, Cedarholm – Townes experiments, as performed (i.e. with the experimental devices at rest relative to the Earth), naturally yielded negative results.
However, under no circumstances does this constitute an experimental proof of the inexistence of Ether in the physical world, because:

  1. If the Cedarholm – Townes experiment (1959) is carried out on a moving vehicle (e.g. an automobile, train, aircraft, etc), it will be directly proven that Ether exists in nature.
  2. Similarly, the existence of Ether in nature will also be proven if the Michelson – Morley experiment is performed in space, e.g. on a spaceship.


Why isn¢t the Cedarholm – Townes experiment (1959) performed on a moving vehicle (automobile, train, aircraft, etc) so as to establish once and for all if Ether exists in the physical world? Why are relativists reluctant to carry out these two experiments (in the way described above) and rather insist on performing complex, expensive experiments (of doubtful reliability) such as the Gravity Probe b experiment?
Isn¢t this “nonsensical” and in fact somewhat “suspicious”?


1. Experiment – 14

Based on the rationale of imaginary experiment – 14, it is theoretically proven that the “equivalence principle” of the General Theory of Relativity is an utterly false theory of physics.
Note: Experiment – 14 is one of the most important (imaginary) physics experiments that demonstrates theoretically (without carrying out any experiment whatsoever) the falsity of the “equivalence principle”.

For more information, see the link “Experiment – 14”, and video 01 (in Greek).

2. The advance of Mercury¢s perihelion

The “inexplicable” advance of Mercury¢s perihelion (43΄΄/century) is not attributed to the curvature of time-space around the Sun, as Einstein erroneously asserts.
The real cause for this phenomenon is the Sun¢s revolution around the center of mass of our solar system.

Unfortunately, neither Le Verrier nor any other physicist to this day have taken this fact (i.e. the revolution of the Sun around the center of mass of our solar system) into account.
Thus, this the great error of Le Verrier and of all other physicists, Einstein included.

For more information, see the link “Proof for the advance of Mercury¢s perihelion”, and video 02 (in Greek).




  1. Since the revolution of the Sun around the center of mass of the solar system is an unquestionable fact, and
  2. Relativists maintain that the General Theory of Relativity is accurate,


Why don¢t relativits tell us the value of the advance of Mercury¢s perihelion which is due to the revolution of the Sun around the center of mass of our solar system?
Why are they unwilling to make these calculations known to us?


If relativists perform these calculations, they will instantly see that the General Theory of Relativity is a totally false theory of physics!!!

More specifically, can these calculations be performed and presented to us by those who carried out the Gravity Probe b experiment and are advocates of the General Theory of Relativity?
We are awaiting their reply…

Conclusion ÉÉ

On the basis of: a) the rationale of imaginary experiment – 14 and b) the real cause for the advance of Mercury¢s perihelion (i.e. the revolution of the Sun around the center of mass of our solar system), it is theoretically demonstrated beyond any doubt (in a costless way, without performing any physics experiment whatsoever) that the General Theory of Relativity is utterly false.


On the basis of Conclusion É (relating to the Special Theory of Relativity) and Conclusion ÉÉ (relating to the General Theory of Relativity), it is unquestionably proven that the entire Theory of Relativity (Special and General) is an utterly erroneous theory of physics.

NOTE: There are more than 20 ways (recommended experiments, etc) to prove that the Theory of Relativity (Special and General) is totally false.
These 20 ways are described in detail on www.tsolkas.gr.

6. Quantum Physics is wrong!

According to Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), wave-particle duality does not exist in nature, as L. De Broglie mistakenly claims.
Thus, e.g. the “double slit” experiment is (unfortunately) gravely misinterpreted by various physicists (older and newer).
The fact that Quantum Physics is indeed a completely false theory of Physics can be easily proven by the two very simple experiments that follow, i.e.:

  1. The experiment of slow electrons passing through a “simple slit”. (See experiment e – 72 – 1), and
  2. The experiment of slow electrons passing through a “double slit¢. (See experiment DS – e – 727 – 0,1 – 2).

For more information, refer to the link “Electrogravitational Theory” IV and video 02 (in Greek).


Based on the above two experiments (e – 72 – 1 and DS – e – 727 – 0,1 – 2) where we use slow electrons, we can prove easily and beyond any doubt that matter does not have wave properties and therefore Quantum Physics is a completely false Theory of Physics.
Because, however, matter has only particle properties and never wave properties, this means that all natural phenomena of Quantum Physics are deterministic in nature.

NOTE: Especially when it comes to phenomena of interference or diffraction of light, as in the “double slit” experiment, the dark and bright fringes are nothing more than the positive and negative electrins of Ether, which vibrate with the maximum and minimum energy (within the dark and bright fringes) respectively.

A notable observation

According to Electrogravitational Theory (EGT):
The results of the Davisson-Germer experiment are due to the properties of crystal and not the wave properties of matter (i.e. electrons) as Quantum Physics mistakenly supports.

Also, in Quantum Physics, Heisenberg¢s fundamental “uncertainty principle” is obviously a completely false theory of Physics.

7. The structure of fundamental particles

According to Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), the structure of fundamental particles is as follows: 

a. The electron
The electron consists of a negative electrin –qï (nucleus) and a number Í of gravitons mo.
The nucleus –qï and the Í gravitons are attracted to one another by electrogravitational forces.

b. The positron
The positron consists of a positive electrin +qï (nucleus) and a number Í of gravitons mo.
The nucleus +qï and the Í gravitons are attracted to one another by electrogravitational forces.

c. The proton
The proton consists of 917 electrons and 918 positrons, which are attracted to one another by electrogravitational forces.

d. The antiproton
The antiproton consists of 918 electrons and 917 positrons, which are attracted to one another by electrogravitational forces.

e. The neutron
The neutron consists of 918 electrons and 918 positrons, which are attracted to one another by electrogravitational forces, and so on, for various other (stable or unstable) fundamental particles.

Law É. The “building blocks” of all fundamental particles, stable or unstable (except for neutrinos and antineutrinos) are electrons and positrons, which, inside the fundamental particle (without dematerialising) are attracted to one another by electrogravitational forces, making the fundamental particle stable or unstable.

Law ÉÉ. The stability of atomic nuclei is due to electrogravitational forces that develop between the protons and neutrons of the atomic nucleus and in the phenomenon of Electrogravitational Theory.

A notable observation

  1. Electrogravitational forces, are a “new kind” of forces, which has, up to now, never been recorded by the various researchers of Physics, as we will see below.
  2. The phenomenon of Electrogravitational contact is one of the most important phenomena of our natural world, and has never been recorded, up to now, by the various researchers of Physics.

For more information, refer to the link “Electrogravitational Theory”, V.

8. The fundamental forces of nature

The fundamental forces of nature are not four, i.e.: gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear, as contemporary physics mistakenly claims.
The fundamental forces of nature are three, i.e.:

  1. Gravitational forces (which exercised between gravitons and are always forces of attraction).
  2. Electrical forces (which are exercised between electrins and are forces of  attraction (if the electrins are heteronymous) or forces of repulsion (if the electrins are homonymous).
  3. Electrogravitational forces exercised between gravitons and electrins and are always forces of attraction).

All other forces of nature (e.g. magnetic, electromagnetic, etc) are non-fundamental forces, which we will refer to as produced or secondary forces.
In addition, the three fundamental forces, i.e.  gravitational, electrical and electrogravitational, ever since the creation of the universe, have been unified in nature, forming (on a cosmic scale) a unified field of universal forces. 

NOTE: Within a fundamental particle or an atomic nucleus, the above three fundamental forces (gravitational, electrical and electrogravitational) are always unified, in a unified force field.

For more information, refer to the link “Electrogravitational Theory”, V.

9. The speed of light

The speed of light c is not a constant of nature, as Relativity Theory mistakenly claims.
The speed of light c is variable and depends on the density of Ether, through which light is propagated.
Thus, e.g. the greater the density of Ether, the smaller the speed c of light.


  1. When light travels (in a radial direction) towards the centre of, e.g. a black hole, then it slows down within the Ethersphere of the black hole, and we have a deceleration of light.
  2. Conversely, when light travels (in a radial direction)towards the surface of the black hole, then it speeds up within the Ethersphere of the black hole, and we have an acceleration of light.

Note: The deceleration or acceleration of light that we discussed above in relation to black holes obviously applies to any other celestial body of large mass, e.g. the Sun, White Dwarfs, etc.
Also, within strong electrical or magnetic fields, the speed of light c (c=3.108 m/s) decreases.

In addition, the speed c of light depends 1) on its frequency and 2) on the observer, whether it is motionless or in motion

Finally, the speed c of light is a function of the time t that has passed since the moment to of the creation of the universe (Big – Bang).
Specifically, the speed c of light increases with the passage of time t. Thus, e.g. a billion years ago, the speed of light was lower than the speed c (c=3.108 m/s)  that we currently measure for light.


The above leads to the basic conclusion that the speed c of light is under no circumstances a constant of nature, as Relativity Theory mistakenly claims.

For more information, see the link “Ether and Light”. 

10.  The interpretation of various natural phenomena

Caution! All known natural phenomena, which are "interpreted" based on Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics (as well as certain other natural phenomena that these theories fail to interpret ), can be simply and correctly interpreted based on Electrogravitational Theory (EGT). 

That is the main advantage of Electrogravitational Theory (EGT ), compared to the above two false Theories of Physics.

More information can be found at www.tsolkas.gr and videos 01 and 02 (in Greek).

11.  Unified fields and unified waves 

As we know, according to Electrogravitational Theory (EGT), an electrically-charged mass M interacts with the Ether of the universe by electrogravitational and electrical forces within a unified  force field.
When, therefore, the electrically-charged mass M performs, e.g. a harmonious oscillation, then it emits into its surrounding space radiation in the form of unified waves.
Each unified wave consists of (the gravitational wave + the electrogravitational wave) , which are intrinsically bound to one another.

For more information, see “Electrogravitational Theory” ÉÉÉ.

12. Physics and Philosophy

According to Electrogravitational Theory (EGT):

  1. The ultimate, indivisible and unalterable “fundamental units” of matter are the positive electrin +qo the negative electrin –qo and the graviton mo (which is electrically neutral).
  2. Quarks, strings, hyperstrings, “Higgs particles”, etc, do not exist in nature. In nature, there are only three fundamental units (+qo, –qo, mo) and absolutely no other.
  3. Matter has only particle properties and never wave properties.
  4. The fundamental natural sizes, e.g. mass, space, time, electrical charge, etc, are absolute sizes for any observer (motionless or in motion) and are never relative sizes for the above observers.
  5. Attraction and inertia are two completely distinct natural concepts and are never relative to various observers (motionless or in motion), or equivalent to one another.
  6. Matter and energy are two completely distinct natural concepts and never equivalent to one another (matter never turns into energy, and energy never turns into matter), Therefore, in the universe, matter always remains matter and energy always remains energy.
  7. The mass defect Äm (observed during nuclear fission or fusion) is nothing more than the mass defect Äm of the gravitons mo that have left those atomic nuclei.
    Therefore, the mass defect Äm never turns into energy Å (according to the well-known formula Å=Äm.c2 (1) of Relativity Theory).
    Formula (1) is correct, only valid quantitatively and expresses no equivalence between matter and energy whatsoever. 
  8. The material universe is a Euclidean space of three dimensions and, within the universe, space and time are two completely distinct natural concepts and never make up a space-time continuum.
  9. Without exception, all natural phenomena that take place within our material universe are governed by a strict and absolute determinism and absolutely no natural phenomenon is ever of indeterminist nature.


After all that we discussed in this project, we are led to the following basic conclusion.


The whole of Physics (from Galileo until the present day) is built on the “wrong foundations” and under no circumstances does it express natural reality. Today¢s Physics is Pseudophysics.
For that reason, the whole of Physics (as we currently know it) needs to be reviewed and rebuilt on “new foundations”, in accordance with the principles and laws of Electrogravitational Theory (EGT).


The above conclusion signals the beginning of a “NEW PHYSICS”, free of the propaganda, the “clergy”, “senseless experiments” and “various interests”.
Because, (unfortunately), research in Physics in the present day has ended up being, to a great extent, manipulated and, in addition, Physics in the present day has become an “infinite madhouse” of foolish “sages”!!!

Copyright 2011: Christos A. Tsolkas                                Christos A. Tsolkas
                                                                                           21 June 2011

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