| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | THE EGSS EXPERIMENT (The Geostatic Satellite Experiment) INTRODUCTION So far, the following have been established: - The Earth rotates on its axis at a velocity 1.
- The Earth revolves around the Sun at a velocity 2.
- The Sun revolves around the center of mass of our galaxy at a velocity 3.
- The center of mass of our galaxy revolves around the center of mass of the local cluster of galaxies at a velocity 4.
- The center of mass of the local cluster of galaxies revolves around the center of mass of the local hyper-cluster of galaxies at a velocity 5, and so forth.
Consequently, for a given time t0 , the resultant velocity at which the Earth moves in the universe,
i.e. relative to the motionless Ether of the universe (Ï.×YZ), is apparently the vectorial sum. | | | | | |
| Vector in Relation (1) will be hereinafter referred to as the cosmic vector of the Earth`s velocity, at which the Earth moves in the universe, i.e. relative to the motionless Ether of the
universe (Ï.×YÆ) (Fig. 1). NOTE: The galaxies, the cluster and hyper-cluster of galaxies, etc, revolve around the center of mass of the universe which is motionless relative to the frame of reference O.XYZ of the
motionless ether of the universe. THE PERFORMANCE OF THE EXPERIMENT Let us assume that we have a geostatic satellite G found at a height h outside the Earth¢s etherosphere. This geostatic satellite G is (preferably) placed at the level of the Equator (I). Moreover, the geostatic satellite G is fitted with a transmitter that is connected with a timer T (satellite timer). The transmitter emits pulses (signals) per constant time-period t (e.g. t = 1 min). | | | | | | | | On the vertical straight line linking the geostatic satellite G with
the surface of the Earth, there is a receiver which is connected to a timer Ô΄ (ground-based timer). Satellite timer Ô and ground-based timer Ô΄ are high-precision devices which are kept timed and coordinated. Thus, according to what has been stated above, throughout the day (24h) and throughout the year the geostatic satellite G constantly emits the above signals per time-period t (e.g. t = 1 min).
Let us see now what conclusions are drawn from the performance of the EGSS Experiment: According to the Theory of Relativity, times ti (i = 1,2,3,...) that the signals need in order to reach ground-based timer Ô΄ from the geostatic satellite G are respectively:
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| | | | | | where c is the speed of light, c = 3.108 m/s. As we can observe from Relation (2), times ti are all equal to each other throughout the day (24h) and throughout the year and correspond to straight line (C0), Fig. 1 (b). | | | |
| | | | b. However, according to the “New Ether Theory”, the following conclusions are drawn:
As it is well-known, the Earth rotates on its axis at a velocity 1 which is obviously a component of the cosmic vector . Velocity
1 constantly changes its sense (from 0ï–360ï) and direction relative to the motionless frame of reference (O.XYZ) of the universe`s
motionless Ether. Similarly, the Earth revolves around the Sun at a velocity 2 which is another component of the cosmic vector . Velocity 2 also changes continuously its sense (from 0ï – 360ï) and
direction, relative to the frame of reference (O.XYZ) of the universe¢s motionless Ether (Fig. 1). On the basis of everything described above, we are led to the conclusion that: 1) If we consider all measurements ti recorded in one day (24h) which are:
24×60΄= 1440 measurements then these measurements ti will exhibit a periodicity (daily periodicity) which will correspond to curve (C1) as shown in Fig. 1 (c).
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2) Similarly, if we consider all measurements ti recorded in one year, which are: 1440×365 = 525.600 measurements then these measurements ti will exhibit a periodicity (annual periodicity) which will correspond to curve (C2) as shown in Fig. 1 (d). | | | | | | | | Therefore, if this occurs during the performance of the EGSS Experiment,
i.e. the phenomenon of daily periodicity Fig. 1 (c) and the phenomenon of annual periodicity Fig. 1 (d) for times ti, then the Theory of Relativity is manifestly and utterly false and Ether exists in nature. For, under no circumstances does the Theory of Relativity provide for this periodicity (daily and annual)
for times ti, as referred to above, Fig. 1 (c) and Fig. 1 (d). From everything discussed here above the following question results: Will times ti (i = 1,2,3,..) of the signals emitted by the geostatic satellite G be constant and equal to t (e.g. t = 1 min) according to the Theory of Relativity or will they present a periodicity (daily and annual) as per the New Ether Theory?
This question will be answered only if the experiment is carried out. Today, modern technology enables us to easily conduct the EGSS Experiment which has a much lower cost than other experiments, such as the Gravity Probe b Experiment, etc. Finally, the performance of the EGSS Experiment will demonstrate once and for all whether the Theory of Relativity is true or false and simultaneously it will establish whether Ether exists in nature or
not. Should the presence of Ether in nature be proven, then we can determine the direction, the sense and calculate the magnitude of the cosmic vector , relation (1), relative to which the Earth moves in the universe, that is, relative to the motionless Ether of the universe (O.XYZ) – for instance, the Earth moves inside the motionless Ether of the universe in a direction and sense towards the constellation Cygnus at a velocity u = 120 km/s).
THE MICHELSON – MORLEY EXPERIMENT THE ERROR OF MICHELSON, MORLEY AND OTHERS The results obtained from the Michelson – Morley Experiment are utterly false for the following reasons: At the time
the experiment was carried out (1881 and afterwards), Michelson and Morley did not take at all into account Relation (1) (mentioned in the introduction of the EGSS Experiment), which on the basis of current astronomical data is unquestionably valid. The Ì-Ì Experiment was performed in the Earth¢s etherosphere and in fact while the experimental device was motionless relative to the surface of the
Earth, whereas it should have been carried out: Outside the Earth¢s etherosphere (e.g. on a geostatic or orbital satellite) or Inside the Earth¢s etherosphere, yet, on a moving vehicle (e.g. on a train, airplane, etc).
Therefore, for the reasons stated above, the results of the M-M Experiment are unreliable and under no circumstances whatsoever do they represent the reality of Physics. Consequently, the M-M Experiment must be repeated on the conditions 2(a) and 2(b) mentioned above so as to yield reliable results. Copyright 2006: Christos A. Tsolkas Christos A. Tsolkas
February 8,2006 | |
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