it is well known, based on the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity Einstein asserts that: “The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference” (equivalence of inertial frames of reference). By performing the ×ÁÔ – b Experiment, which shall be elaborated here below, we shall prove that the above postulate is wrong and consequently the Special Theory of Relativity is an erroneous Theory of Physics. CARRYING OUT THE EXPERIMENT Lets us assume that (Fig. 1) there is a vehicle S (e.g. an automobile, train, airplane, etc) moving at a velocity V relative to the surface of the Earth. Fixedly placed on top of vehicle S is a vertical rod of height with a metallic sphere A atop carrying a powerful electric charge e.g. – Q. This rod is made of an insulation material (e.g. glass). Moreover, steadily fixed
on top of vehicle S is another vertical rod of height h2, with a magnetic needle M positioned on top of it. Magnetic needle Ì and electrically charged sphere Á lie at a short distance from each other. Finally, on vehicle S there is an observer (Ï), and on the surface of the earth stands another observer (O¢), who is at rest relative to the Earth. NOTE: We can electrically charge metallic sphere A in many ways (powerful electrical charge). One way is to have an electrostatic machine on vehicle S and use it to charge the metallic sphere.
Another way, in the event that vehicle S is a train, is to charge the sphere through the electrical conductors of an urban power network (e.g. an electric train). Finally, the metallic sphere A can be electrically charged in various other ways (with a powerful electrical charge). |
| Fig. 1 PHASE É: Let us assume that vehicle S (Fig. 1) is at rest (V = 0) relative to the Earth. In this case, there is no magnetic field on vehicle S and magnetic needle Ì remains motionless, where the observer (Ï) initially positioned it.
Note: In phase I, there is only one magnetic field in frame of reference S which is due to electric charge –Q of metallic sphere A. PHASE ÉÉ: Let us assume (Fig. 1) that vehicle S moves at a steady velocity , relative to the Earth.
In this case, for the observer (O¢), standing at rest on the surface of the Earth the electrically charged sphere A that moves at a velocity V creates on straight line xx¢ an electric current of intensity i. Consequently, a magnetic field B is created around straight line xx¢. The observer (O¢) can establish the presence of this magnetic field B by holding, for example, a magnetic needle in his hand.
However, the crucial question that is being raised is the following: In the case of Phase II, will the observer (Ï) who is on the moving vehicle S, (i.e. the inertial frame of reference S) notice the presence of magnetic field B on vehicle S? The answer to the above question is given below: 1. If the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity is valid, given that vehicle S is an
inertial frame of reference, then the observer (Ï) who is found on vehicle S both in Phase I and II should not observe in any case the presence of a magnetic field B and therefore magnetic needle M should be at all times motionless and remain in its initial position, that is, it remains in the same position in Phase É and Phase ÉÉ alike. 2. If, however, while conducting Phase II of the experiment, the magnetic needle M moves from
its original position (the one of Phase I), then apparently the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity mentioned above is utterly wrong.
What will happen then? Will magnetic needle M deflect from the position it was in Phase II of the XAT – b experiment? According to the electrogravitational Theory and based on the Law of “magnetic field creation” (See Experiment 9 on www.tsolkas.gr), during the performance of/when carrying out the XAT – b
experiment, magnetic needle M in both phases (Phase I and II) will not remain still / motionless in the same position (as Einstein asserts); on the contrary, in Phase II magnetic needle M will move from its position (the one in Phase I). In simple words, the conclusions that can be drawn from the above are the following: In both Phases of the XAT – b experiment, the observer (Ï) found in the inertial frame of reference S, can establish whether vehicle S is at rest or moving relative to the Earth.
More specifically: If the magnetic needle M remains at all times in its original position, then the observer (O) can conclude that vehicle S is at rest relative to the earth. Conversely, if the magnetic needle deflects from its original position, then the observer (O) concludes that his vehicle S is in motion relative to the Earth. Yet, according to the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity: “An observer (Ï) who is found in an inertial reference frame S (Fig. 1) cannot
verify by any experiment of Physics (Mechanics or Electromagnetism) whether the reference frame S is at rest or in motion relative to another inertial frame of reference (such as the Earth in the case of Fig. 1 discussed herein)”. Note: Due to the fact that the Earth¢s gravitational field plays no part in the ×ÁÔ – b experiment, (as is also the case in the Michelson – Morley experiment), the Earth is considered in this case an inertial
frame of reference. Consequently, after everything discussed above, we reach the following basic conclusion: Conclusion If, during the performance of the ×ÁÔ – b experiment, it is found that the magnetic needle Ì does not remain at all times at rest and in the same position in both Phases É and ÉÉ, it is instantly demonstrated that the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity is false
and therefore the Theory of Relativity is an erroneous Theory of Physics. The ×ÁÔ – b experiment is a simple and low-cost experiment as compared to other ones (e.g. the expensive and unsuccessful Gravity Probe b experiment). In a nutshell, it is worth carrying out the ×ÁÔ – b experiment so as to permanently establish which of the two Theories of Physics is accurate. The Theory of Relativity or the Electrogravitational Theory?
Let us hope then that this very interesting experiment will be soon performed. |