An aircraft B is moving towards transmitter A at a steady velocity õ, across a straight line and at the same altitude h. As it is known, in this case, aircraft B constitutes an inertial frame of reference (Galilean) moving at steady velocity õ in relation to the Earth (namely, in
relation to the Earth¢s etherosphere). During the performance of the experiment and over a certain (known) time t, transmitter A transmits to aircraft B a continuous electromagnetic wave train, for instance, microwaves or a LASER beam. Thus, during this transmission, the length of the above-mentioned wave train Ao Bo = ℓ in relation to the frame of reference of the Earth (namely in relation to the Earth¢s etherosphere) will be: ℓ = c t (1) (c = the speed of light = 3 108 m/sec in relation to the Earth¢s frame of reference, namely in relation to the Earth¢s etherosphere). Let us consider, however, what the Theory of Relativity holds.
As it is known, according to the Theory of Relativity the velocity Vk of the above-mentioned transmitted electromagnetic wave train AoBo, in relation to the inertial frame of reference of aircraft B, should be equal to c, namely: Vk = c (2)
for (according to the Theory of Relativity) the velocity of the electromagnetic waves (i.e. in our case of the electromagnetic wave train AoBo) is the same for all inertial frames of reference and is moreover equal to c; hence, it will be also the same --i.e. c-- for the inertial frame of reference of aircraft B. Yet, the following question arises: Is what the Theory of Relativity maintains, i.e. Vk = c, valid or not? The answer to the above question will be given following the realization of the actual experiment, which will be elaborated on below.
The reasoning that we will adopt is the following: According to Classical Physics and on the basis of the new ether model (Earth – etherosphere surrounding the Earth), aircraft B will meet wave-train AoBo = ℓ and will go through it in time.