| THE EXPERIMENT OF TWO AIRCRAFT Let us assume (fig.1) that we have two aircraft A and B (combat aircraft, commercial aircraft or passenger plane, --the type is not of the essence) flying at a distance L from one another. They are moving across the same straight line, at the same speed õ towards the same direction and at the same altitude h above the surface of the earth. As it is known, both aircraft A and B constitute an inertial frame of reference (Galilean) moving at a constant velocity õ in relation to the surface of the Earth (namely, in relation to the etherosphere of the Earth). | |
| I) At some point in time t1 the transmitter of aircraft A transmits to aircraft B an instant electromagnetic signal which is received by the receiver of aircraft B at some other point in time, t2.
As a result, the time needed for the signal to get from aircraft A to aircraft B is: t = t2 – t1 (1) Readings t1 and t2 are recorded by the chronometers found respectively on aircraft A and B. II) Similarly, after a while (for instance, after 1 min), at some point in time t1´ the transmitter of aircraft B transmits to aircraft A another instant electromagnetic signal which reaches the receiver of aircraft A at some point in time t2´. As a result, the time needed for the signal to get from aircraft B to aircraft A is: t´ = t2´ - t1´ (2) Readings t1´ and t2´ are recorded by the chronometers found respectively on aircraft B and A. |
| EXAMPLE Let us assume, for example, that in our experiment L = 30 km (distance L is measured by the RADAR of aircraft A), õ = 540 km/h and c = 300.000 km/sec; then, if our experiment proves that time values t and t´ are not equal, the time difference t - t´ measured by the pilots will be:
L = (c- õ) t (3) case I and, L = (c+ õ) t´ (4) case II, respectively. From relations (3) and (4), we have: t-t´= 2Lõ/(c2-õ2) = 10-10 sec
This time can easily measured by the individual chronometers found on the two aircraft. In my personal view, should this experiment be carried out, time values t and t´ measured by the pilots of aircraft A and B will not be equal, and namely t > t´. As a result, it will be proven beyond any doubt that the Theory of Relativity is an erroneous theory of Physics. In
particular, in this case it will be demonstrated that the two known postulates of the Special Theory of Relativity are not valid. | |